Sunday 31 May 2009

Play Diary: Plants Vs. Zombies

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Help - letter from the zombies.

Furious clicking (casual games paper) - Why Is Peggle So Addictive? Sumantra Lahiri, 10th March 2009
Analysis: The Universal (Brain-Eating) Appeal Of Plants Vs. Zombies
by Kris Graft, May 20, 2009.
Compulsion (cybernetic feedback; sympathetic nervous system, "flight-or-fight" - physiology paper, Grodal?). c.f. Tetris, Pokemon. Kris Graft (May 29, 2009) Analysis: The Psychology Behind Item Collecting And Achievement Hoarding. Gamasutra
[Shop] First click on icons sometimes doesn't respond.
[Zen garden] Accidentally clicking on background removes action icon. Would bubble cursor help? Didn't realise for a long time that right click removes action icon too (useful) - think this applies throughout other areas of game too?

Scaffolding - introduction of plant types. (plants chosen by Chris)

Game Modes


Vase Breaker.

Didn't use it much. Sometimes reveals important data (weaknesses.)
Does narrative matter? (e.g., zombie backstory.)


I use a lot of walnuts, especially useful with splash damage weapons and slow-speed plants.

Zen Gardens
Leave the snail to automatically collect coins (screensaver mode - HUD slides off screen)
Coins spawn & snail sleeps after X seconds (even while paused when focus lost.)
Tree of knowledge - didn't use it, too expensive. Finally got all of the upgrades (50ft tree) - apparently at 1000 ft you get the real final piece of wisdom. What's the point? Less visible, less reward than traditional highscore table.
Customisation: Move tool (aethstics only, not mechanics.) - with full screen of plants you can't move any; move tool requires an empty space to move a plant into.
Uncollected coins are lost if you move to a new screen. Annoying.
Click-fest doesn't work so well here (is it because there's no challenge, no urgency?)
Watering plants is binary state, based on timer - if you water it 1 second before its timer expires you'll still have to water it again. Dumb. Reduces the screen to mindless click-fest.
Golden watering can has little use: no timer or resource constraints on use of original can; difficult to select 4 plants anyway, even when circle appears over them all (it has to cross their centre point, 1 pixel off and the plant is de-selected.) - sometimes difficult to notice that a plant isn't selected.

Turning off audio when game loses focus is a great idea. Very important when Zen Garden is running on automatic to accumulate coins.

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1 comment:

Jason Schklar said...

I loved Plants vs. Zombies. I found it to be an excellent introduction to the "tower defense" (or light RTS) genre.

I chatted a bit about it here (in my own play diary):

Great blog -- I just added it to my RSS feed.
